Sinusitis in Tarzana

Though there are many types of sinus - hollow space in the body - sinusitis only affects the spaces that lead to the nasal cavity, behind your face, known as paranasal sinuses.
The paranasal sinuses are lined with the same mucous membrane as the nose. They produce mucus, a slimy secretion that traps germs and dirt particles while keeping the nasal passages moist.
Sinusitis occurs when there is excess mucus production, causing it to build up and inflame the sinuses and the nose (rhinitis). This is why sinusitis is sometimes also referred to as rhinosinusitis.
Symptoms of sinusitis
Sinusitis is caused by bacteria, allergies, fungi, viruses, or an autoimmune reaction. It can be either acute (lasts up to 4 weeks), subacute (lasts 4 - 12 weeks), or chronic, where it lasts more than 12 weeks. Though it's painful and uncomfortable, due to the nasal discharge, blocked nose, and congestion, sinusitis typically goes away on its own without any medical intervention.
But if your condition doesn't improve in 7 to 10 days, and you also experience a fever, a bad headache, and bad breath, then you should visit an ENT specialist for diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis
When you visit Dr. Cohen for a sinusitis diagnosis, he will ask you about your symptoms and conduct a physical exam, using an otoscope - handheld device with a light attachment - to inspect your nasal cavity.
Treatment depends on the cause, and may include antibiotics, antifungal drugs, corticosteroid sprays, allergy shots, or surgery, to address structural problems like a deviated septum.
Keep in mind that most cases don't need any treatment. So Dr. Cohen will advise you on the best solution for your case.